Having a salesforce call center integration is a vital aspect of leveraging client data effectively. The connection between these two systems enables call agents to gain seamless access to the CRM. This connection empowers them to understand customer requests in-depth. With this salesforce call center integration, agents can make better-informed decisions while providing exceptional customer service.

For organizations with teams that spend most of their day on the phone, having the functionality to log calls, make calls directly from salesforce, and receive information on inbound calls is invaluable for maintaining productivity levels. By leveraging such an integrated solution, call center teams can spend less time juggling screens. And we can spend more time-solving customer queries efficiently.

A salesforce call center integration can change how your organization does business. Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems in use today.

So,  you want to use data gathered from your customers to make better decisions and meet more objectives? Then a salesforce call center integration is an excellent option for you. 

It has a wide range of integration options that allow you to choose from several products and services. In addition, with Call Experts’ newest features and capabilities, we can integrate and work directly via an API connection. Keep reading to learn more about our salesforce call center integration.

What is a Salesforce Call Center Integration?

What does this all mean? First, our agents and automated technologies seamlessly connect to your SalesForce to pull your customer data directly into your system.

Need an example? When a client calls your business, our phones answer and update the SF record, so assigned users are notified.

With Salesforce, your team can get more done faster. That doesn’t just include empowered employees who can leverage their knowledge to make more money. It also has more informed business decisions based on broader information and insights in real-time.

Information that can help improve productivity cut costs, and increase customer satisfaction. In addition, a Salesforce call center integration allows you to automate every channel of business operations. From your feed to sales efforts, you must enable real-time response. Especially to critical events such as a customer request or order support.

Salesforce is constantly evolving. This means that your CRM is going to need to keep up with it. Integrations allow you to do this with scale. It might help you increase sales, save money, or create an enjoyable experience for your employee and customer base. 

So, with a salesforce call center integration, you get the best of both worlds.

Keep everything organized in your existing salesforce CRM. and we’ll provide the ultimate contact center solution. We’ll answer all of your calls, and then we’ll make sure that caller information moves from your phone system to your salesforce CRM or service cloud.

Telephony integrations like this guarantee smooth connection from the phone to your entire database. Call recordings can seamlessly transfer into your CRM software.

The Top 5 Benefits of a Salesforce Call Center Integration

Salesforce is making it easier than ever to work. For instance, while the intention of SF is sales and funnel, a lot of people use Salesforce for marketing needs and the customer experience – whether we realize it or not. However, many people have no idea about how Salesforce can help their customer support. Below are just a few examples of how salesforce call center integrations can make your life easier:

Offer full access from anywhere. 

When you utilize a salesforce call center integration, our experts access your customer data to offer a personalized customer experience. While logged in via our secure integrations, our team can address your customer needs instantly. We won’t have to put them on hold or request more information from managers.

A productivity increase can mean more time to focus on what is essential. 

Today, manual tasks are often a time waster and lead to mistakes.

Integrated systems and automated solutions create a check and balance to ensure that your data is clean and your customer’s information is safe.

Would you please not spend time with duplicated data or incorrect client fields? Our automations come with little-to-no downtime and HIPAA-compliant storage.

You need to be able to access your data in real-time effortlessly.

Salesforce allows you to access data on your timeline with a customized dashboard and reports. When it comes to data, the more you have and can convert it into meaningful insight. And then, the easier it will be to make the best decisions for your business.  

When you add customer support automations and contact center support, you create a plethora of data without lifting a finger. You can ensure that the data is correct, clean, and formatted correctly to your needs.

Offer the best communication to your customers and employees.

Integrating our contact center with your CRM combines two systems to allow our teams to work in your preferred system.

This streamlines communications and creates an opportunity for info sharing. Not to mention, we are converting those calls into SF data for your team. So, they can spend more time working on their core job and leave the qualification and updates to us. 

Clean data means more insightful reporting.  

When you’re sure that the data you are reviewing is correct and accountable, then the magic happens! You will trust your decisions based on data.

Trusting data is essential and challenging for so many businesses.

You need detailed and relevant reports with clean data to take action on your business decisions. Then, when you know that an automated system or live agent entered the requests and information, you can feel rest assured that you will have accuracy in your reporting.

How to Start Your Salesforce Contact Center

Few organizations have the internal resources to integrate their systems.

Integrations are complex and require programming for each system. Systems integration projects are just that — projects. Our team has made it easy to integrate with your Salesforce. It just requires an API key and a few days of work.

The good news, the majority of the work is on our side. Then, after building your script, we can start the integration.

We want to keep a close eye on your project. For the first few months, we ensure that everything is connected correctly. But your integration will be running seamlessly after the setup and check-in periods.

At Call Experts, every new client is assigned a customer care representative that stays with you and your account. This dedicated representative walks you and your company through the process of integrating, going live, and optimizing. So you will always have one dedicated point of contact. And we’ll make sure that everything is going to your liking and aligns with your needs.

Why Contact Center Integration Matters. 

At its core, a platform provides seamless access to valuable data. When the data is conversing with an integrated solution, it can be mined for critical insights and useful information. This leads to high-quality reporting that can improve business processes and overall efficiency, making each department more efficient.

Our salesforce call center integration enables us to access, communicate and automate data. This can be data related to your pipeline, territory management, and other business areas. We can prepare comprehensive reports on salesforce-native or custom objects. Consolidate information from multiple sources related to the customer journey like help desk, support requests, and more.