It feels like a no-brainer: customers are the key to having a successful business! Why? Well, they will purchase and review your products and services and can be your biggest advocates. This power is why so many companies find themselves asking, “what is customer service?” This is a great question, but we will counter your question with another question, “what is customer success?”

Supporting your customer’s needs is just one piece of the puzzle, and attention to overall customer success gives the focus for business owners to hone in on delivering value. Efficient resolutions, quality interactions, and customer satisfaction are the most important things for building a strong relationship between an organization and the customers.

Why is Customer Satisfaction important?

Customer satisfaction is based on real-time solutions, quick resolutions, friendliness, and reliability. People will judge your company, and with success in these critical areas, you will create optimistic advocates for your business.

Douglas Karr of MarTech Zone mentions in an article published in 2020 that “4+ negative reviews about your company or product may result in 70% less sales.”

According to a study related to customer service published by Zen Desk, “86% of millennials say they are influenced by negative reviews when purchasing a product or service.”

The truth is in the numbers. Customers expect outstanding service, and customer satisfaction is essential to your business. Regardless of experience, your customers will become an advocate for your business. You have to decide if that is going to be a positive or negative review. Customers don’t have the patience for misunderstandings, communication gaps, and rough interactions. It is essential to growing your business. You must have an optimized customer success plan.

Here are three tips to get you started!

1. Contact center support is essential to creating the ideal customer interaction. Customer success is key!

The most frustrating thing for a customer is to wait on the phone for a long time. You never want to leave your customers irritated waiting on hold to get their calls to the appropriate person. Therefore, a contact center is an essential partner. A great call center partner will find the best services that fit your needs, develop the best solutions, deliver compelling customer support, and offer respected expertise. A team of agents ensures that your callers are never waiting on hold, and with the right training, your customers will always have a great experience.

At Call Experts, we spend an intensive two weeks covering 60 hours of material with each newly hired agent. During this time, we use a blended approach of the classroom, eLearning, and scenario-based training methods to prepare the new agent to join our Operations team successfully. Our focus is to teach how to provide the ultimate customer experience for your customers, striving for the same experience they would get to call your office.

Want to learn more about Call Experts training programs? Read here. 

2. The right technology and tools are essential to ROI and customer success.

It is disconcerting for a customer and the agent to deal with call drops. Imagine you are telling your complaint to an agent, and suddenly your call drops. Moreover, the fluctuation of sound is also a significant problem. VoIP, telephony services, and secure servers are essential to fielding calls and providing seamless service. Furthermore, it would help if you used CRM tools (Salesforce, Hubspot, etc.) to track the customer journey, reporting tools (Tableau, Contact Center Portals, etc.) to optimize the journey AI-powered lines to automate greeting and employee support. Technologies allow you to create efficiency for yourself and your business. If you are interested in learning more, contact us immediately.

3. Use cloud-based data, consistent tracking, and relevant reporting with trends.

Increase your coverage and increase customers through every platform. Create a seamless and hassle-free customer experience. Therefore, you should create a process where you are routinely reviewing customer journey data and touchpoints. Partnering with a contact center ensures that you always have access to this data, and many call centers will provide data storage & security and relevant trends reporting. 


The contact center is here to provide support to customers who are facing problems with your services. Moreover, people call these centers to make their requests and want these centers to be seamless, fast, and positive. You must lookout for the points mentioned above to find a trustworthy partner.