At Call Experts, we are dedicated to providing supportive content every week through our contact center blogs. Why? Because contact center blogs can be an essential tool for understanding services from a company and what it might be like as their customer. 

For many people in this world, the idea of handling customer service is daunting. But, with the help of our tools, technology, and expert support, we know that anything is possible! When it comes to helping you meet your goals, we don’t just talk the talk; we walk the walk. It is a core value of our business; we know that when you succeed, we succeed. 

After looking over our data, below is a recap of our top 5 blogs in 2021 (in order of highest views according to Google). Enjoy!

Would you please stop using spreadsheets to track employee attendance?

Our first of five contact center blogs on the list covers why spreadsheets are outdated when it comes to absence tracking and understanding your employee absenteeism rates. 

Employee absenteeism is a measure of how often an employee misses work. It’s measured by comparing the number of days absent to the total number of scheduled workdays in a given time period. The formula considers both scheduled days off and excused absences, like illnesses or vacations, approved in advance. 

The employee absenteeism rate is a simple formula that can help you understand the ratio of days missed at work. You usually define a time frame like one month, quarter, or year when calculating. Tracking this information can be vital to understanding your bottom line. 

Understanding this information is essential in planning for holidays, busy seasons, and more. And, it can give insight into the cost of an absence for your business. To keep reading, click here

It should always be simple for your employees to call out, for admins to track attendance, and for leaders to view dashboards and trends. Period. 

Our second most viewed blog on our list of 2021 contact center blogs is one that dives into the employee call-out line, what it is, and why it’s essential for any business. 

What is a call-out line? It depends on your company, but it does not have to be complicated. An employee call-out line is a business application. It’s an electronic recording of the time and date an employee calls to indicate the absence or tardiness. 

Employee call-out lines and absence management systems are a way to ensure that employees are accounted for during their workday, verifying their absence. It’s also a way to document any issues behind the absence to guarantee compliance (i.e., doctor’s visit, sick child, FMLA, or even COVID-19 symptoms). 

An employee call-out line is beneficial for both a company and its employees. Keep reading here to learn why.

Generating leads is a critical component of marketing automation, and contact center support is essential to convert them into clients.

Our third blog on the list of best contact center blogs of 2021 brings in our decades of experience in the world of contact centers. And, it is a can’t-miss resource for those interested in understanding how our services work.

Nurturing your leads to convert into customers can make all the difference in your bottom line! And, the best way to nurture your leads is with a 24-7 live agent hotline. 

Our expert live agents can follow up with your leads and help guide them through the sales funnel from lead to customer. This contact center support allows you to focus on your other areas of business, knowing that you have everything covered with your outbound call center services.

Keep reading here for our tried and true tips for generating leads with outbound lead generation from contact centers and call centers.

What is an HR call-out line? And, how does the process work? 

Making it at number four on the list is our blog that dives into the what, how, and why of HR absence tracking. 

An AI-powered HR call-out line is a tool that can connect your organization to a database of employees. When an employee calls in sick, they can provide their information, and the system will log it. The AI component of the HR call-out line collects that piece of data and uses it to learn from patterns. 

This technology can also gather feedback on your company’s benefits plans or help with employee development plans. By automating this process and collecting data over time, you can streamline your HR department’s work and ensure that all of your employees are being taken care of properly.

But, how does it all work, and can it really help your business? Well, click here to hop on the blog and keep reading!

Why is it essential for your business (and your bottom line) to track attendance with automated tools?

It is clear that absence tracking in 2021 was a very relevant topic for all of our blog viewers. And, we’re here for it! The number five blog on our list of best contact center blogs of 2021 outlines the top 6 benefits of using an employee call-out line to track absences and review absenteeism trends. 

Have you ever tried to reliably track your employees’ absences and tardies using manual, outdated methods? You’re not alone. For decades, a lack of consistency, reliability, and efficiency has plagued companies. 

Many companies have adopted “in-house” systems that replicate a paper logbook to fix this. While this solution is inexpensive, it has its faults. These include the inability to track trends or monitor remote workers (an increasing share of the modern workforce). 

By monitoring employee injuries, illnesses (like COVID), and absences with automated tools, employers can stay compliant with government regulations (e.g., OSHA), increase worker satisfaction and morale, and boost productivity. This essential need is especially true in safety-critical sectors like healthcare (i.e., nursing staff) and manufacturing. In both industries, keeping logged-in employees requires individualized communication between management, owners, and HR representatives. 

To read our top 6 benefits of using an AI-powered employee call-out line, click here to head to the blog.