Companies must create dynamic environments to address the ever-changing workforce and its needs. In most situations, the direction and responsibility of this dynamic environment often fall onto the HR department. According to a survey by CareerBuilder, Human Resource leaders are being asked for their input into the company by 73% of CEOs. Leadership regularly invests in their HR departments and as the workload for this team increases, they need more support than ever to prioritize and tackle the projects that matter.

You can utilize AI-Powered HR Call-Out Lines to bring efficiency to your operations. These call-out lines allow your team to focus on the details that matter with customizable, real-time reporting and compliance with little effort.

Prioritizing employee needs.

HR priorities shift based on consumer and employee needs. As social engagements and standards change, companies need to make an effort to evolve in their interactions and engagements with employees. Call Experts helps HR departments adopt a more dynamic model to manage and maintain the needs of their workforce. Through the use of AI-powered phone lines, employees can have a better interaction with their HR teams to voice their needs and requests. Our automated solutions eliminate the barriers of communication and bring employees and companies into direct contact.

Centralized self-service tools.

The job of records management is impossible when systems are inconsistent. Data management falls solely on, often understaffed, HR departments to deal with the hundreds of emails and telephone calls that occur every day. These kinds of rigorous tasks take up almost all of their time, and as the total employee base grows, the responsibility to manage information becomes more complicated. But, when you use an outsourced company to manage employee absences, PTO, sick, and late schedules, the maintenance, and storage of your employee information become effortless. And, the process of calling in makes it simple for your employees to follow your processes.

Call Experts can centralize HR services and departments by bringing them into one employee service center. Optimize HR operations with workflow efficiency.

Support your strategy with data.

With all of your data centralized, Call Experts provides meaningful reporting so your team can maintain accountability and securely organized data. The data created is used to support your internal documentation and notification process, and can be used to help determine themes for support documentation. Your HR team can also have real-time access to pull the details needed to understand your organization and how to solve your employee’s problems better. Reduce the burden of solving technical issues by HR and free time to be strategic partners. Support your HR departments with tailor-made reports that tell the stories that matter for your business.

Understand the trends.

With meaningful reports created unique to your business’ needs, your HR data can extend beyond solving problems for employees and clients. Understand your workforce activity and needs with breadth and depth. Call Experts supports HR departments through the useful analysis of data to identify the trends in employee behavior. With this information, HR teams can suggest how to make the workflow more efficient.

If you know where problems are recurring and their frequency, you can fix these issues in real-time and provide support to your organization. Having this kind of data provides tools to HR departments allowing them to make strategic decisions towards company improvement and information organization.