As a business owner, you want to ensure that your potential customers or clients can get ahold of your organization quickly and efficiently. And, call screening is the key.

Answering inbound calls is a valuable service, but it can be exhausting. For that reason, many companies are choosing to employ call screening methods to answer incoming calls and handle customer queries when actual employees aren’t available.

Call screening services can help businesses of all kinds improve their customer service.

At Call Experts, we’re incredibly proud to offer call screening services as part of our suite of customer communication solutions. Our goal is to make call management exceptionally easy for you and your team. Contact us now for support.

Additionally, we work with you to ensure that never again will an important call go unanswered. With the support of our expert USA-based live answering agents, your customers can always get in touch with your business.

From improving the quality of customer service offered to boosting employee productivity, call screening is an effective service worth considering.

Are you tired of dealing with interruptions throughout the day? Are you feeling overwhelmed by your current workload? If so, why not invest in call screening services?

We specialize in providing top-tier call screening solutions your business can rely on. We offer a variety of unique packages to meet your specific needs. When you choose to work with us, you’ll have access to high-quality products and services.

What Is Call Screening and Why Does It Matter?

Whether you’re a busy entrepreneur, a physician, or just a person who’s inundated with phone calls daily, you’ve probably been in this situation: the phone rings, and you don’t know whether to pick it up. Is it your mother? A long-awaited client? A telemarketer? Or maybe just a robocall?

You can always send the calls to voicemail, but what if you miss an important call from a new client or customer?

A phone call screening service allows you to set parameters for which calls to take and which to follow up on later.

Ever wonder how some companies always seem to be available to take a call, even when it’s after hours on the weekends? They likely have a team of virtual receptionists on-hand to help manage their calls. Call Screening is one of the many tasks they can handle for you.

But what exactly is call screening? Simply put, it’s deciding whether or not to take a particular inbound call. Of course, you’re likely already doing some form of call screening in your workplace—you probably have caller ID on your cell phone and send unknown numbers straight to voicemail.

And while voicemail is a great way to avoid unwanted interruptions and distractions, it’s not always the most effective way of dealing with incoming calls. After all, if someone is calling your business because they need your help ASAP, they’ll hang up if they get your voicemail. And then what? You don’t want them to go to a competitor.

That’s why we offer a phone call screening service. We can filter out the calls that aren’t urgent and forward all other essential calls directly to you or one of your colleagues so that you can get in touch with new clients right away.

How Does This Work?

Have you ever had to decide whether or not to answer an unknown phone number? If so, you know it can be a little nerve-wracking. You have no idea who is on the other end of the line, and sometimes your intuition isn’t enough to tell you what you need to know.

If there’s no automated system, it’s probably because the business has an in-house receptionist. But what if that person gets sick or needs to leave the office? The company will likely have to hire a temp or ask employees to do some double duty. So they probably use an automated system if they don’t have in-house staff.

But what if there was a way to get the best of both worlds?

That’s where we come in.

We can do all the heavy lifting for you with our call screening service. At Call Experts, we offer call screening services that put your callers first by providing a live person who can take your callers’ messages or even book appointments without ever having to pick up the phone.

As you consider working with a call screening service, it’s essential to consider what kinds of calls you want to prioritize and what kinds you’d prefer virtual receptionists handle. Our team can automatically answer calls, determine the person’s reason for dialing, and decide where to send them next. 

The Benefits of Using a Call Screening Service.

Have you ever had a moment where you just couldn’t take another call? Whether you’re stuck in back-to-back meetings or head-down at your desk, having a virtual receptionist service available to handle your calls is a great way to avoid being bombarded.

First, it improves efficiency.

Once you set up call screening, you can pick and choose which conversations to have at any given moment. Every time your phone rings, a receptionist will answer and decide whether the conversation fits your particular criteria for patching through. If it’s someone you want to speak with, we’ll forward the call to you. If your criteria for patching through isn’t met, on the other hand, we’ll handle the conversation without interrupting your day.

Next, it frees up time for more important tasks.

Does it feel like you can’t get anything done because of all the incoming calls you receive? You probably don’t want to miss out on important business opportunities, but you also want to be able to focus on your work without constantly being interrupted.

Call screening services provide a simple solution to this problem.

Finally, it provides 24/7 coverage. Get the support you need all day without stress.

How Call Screening Impacts Productivity.

Who doesn’t have a million things to get done at work? When you have a long to-do list and several projects going on simultaneously, it can be hard to stay focused.

If you work in an office environment, then you know that interruptions can be a major drain on your productivity. Even if you’re constantly answering emails and fielding phone calls, it’s unlikely that you’re working to your full potential.

By using a telephone screening service, you and your team will finally be able to focus on one thing at a time. Over time, this can cut down on stress levels and increase your overall productivity.

Phone screening services can help you reduce distractions and regain control over your internal messaging system.

Even if you consider yourself an expert multitasker, you and your team could probably benefit from a partnership with a telephone screening service. The reality is that switching back and forth between two or more tasks leads to reduced rates of productivity.