An employee call-out line from your answering service eliminates most of your hassles, pains, and frustrations when you deal with employee absences and tardies. While you can handle this in-house, it’s a huge headache and is prone to problems. These problems are a result of inconsistencies and lax recordkeeping. But, this is a common issue across a variety of industries. And, Call Experts can help.
By using an AI-powered employee call-out line, you can streamline your protocol, tracking, and reporting.
Here are our 6 key benefits of using an AI-powered employee call-out line to record absences and track HR trends.
A Simple Procedure.
An employee call-out line from your contact center provides a straightforward method for all your employees to follow if they will be absent or late.
They simply call one number. This one-number solution removes the need to keep track of numbers for different departments, shift coordinators, and supervisors. These numbers can change and calling lists can become outdated or lost. Now there’s no excuse. Employee attendance reporting and absence management can be easy. One number does it all. You can customize the script so it gathers whatever you need.
A Consistent Process for an Employee.
When employees call your absence reporting line they will be greeted with the name of your company. Then, asked the same questions every time. This is true for all employees and removes any feeling of preference.
When employees know what to expect and experience it on a consistent basis, they are more apt to respect the process.
A Documented Transaction.
Every call is documented. So, there is no chance of misunderstanding. The calls are automatically timestamped, with the name of the employee and reason for being absent or late. And, you can include any other information you may need. Plus, an audio recording of each call provides additional support and corroboration if it’s ever needed.
A Means of Conflict Resolution.
With the call documentation and call recording to back it up, there is concrete support for exactly what happened and when it happened. This quickly and effectively eliminates almost all disagreements over whether or not the appropriate protocol was followed in accordance with the call-in policy.
A Shield Against Lawsuits.
In the rare event that employees contest punitive action or dismissal for attendance violations, the supporting documents provided by the answering service’s employee call-out hotline provides substantial evidence to support the case (or encourage a quick settlement). Make it easy for your HR department.
A Solution Every Employee Loves.
An employee call-out line takes the pressure off of shift supervisors to handle and document call-outs. And, it provides human resource departments with an easy telephone number for employee reporting. It comes with consistent, real-time documentation and gives upper management confidence in the process. Plus employees appreciate the easy, fair process.
These six reasons provide ample justification to turn your employee call-out line frustrations over to an answering service in order to achieve better outcomes at an affordable price.
To learn more about how employee call-out lines can benefit your business and employees, email us now!