A seasonal business is a business that offers products or services that are most useful during a specific time of the year (or season). These businesses include many companies that offer plumbing, HVAC, pest control, and other home service providers. The New York Times put it best, “seasonal businesses are a different breed of business owners. Their days are filled with all of the rush and anxiety of a typical business owner, but the time to make a majority of their revenue — upward of 70 percent — is compressed into a few months.”

Typically, seasonal businesses experience a burst of activity and opportunities to drive sales and thrive during seasonal changes. Especially in the current environment, the season has been reduced even more because of business shutdowns. How can a seasonal business thrive in this shortened season?

Here are some tips for preparing for success in this shortened season:

Stabilize your business. 

Where other companies may be firing or furloughing employees to stabilize revenue, a seasonal business does not need to focus on that strategy. It’s essential to recognize that your goals from last season will not apply this season. Readjust your targets accordingly so you can still find ways to measure your success and make it through uncertainty.

Right now, the primary goal must be making it through this period. While thinking about your business’s survival, you can identify places to focus on to regain your stability. 

  • What are your requirements? 
  • What are your hottest products? 
  • How are you supporting customers that have requests and questions? 

Also, adjusting the budget according to your needs will help plan for these updated, customized goals. Business process outsourcing provides an affordable solution to support your needs without requiring you to hire additional staff. Call Experts provides solutions for appointment setting and management, on-call protocols, service requests and control, order taking, help desk hotlines, and more.

Identify your advocates and allies and communicate with them often.

Most small businesses have a community of brand advocates, a network of partners, or business alliances. These communities are usually secure during your normal seasonal overflow. However, during this shortened season, it’s essential to keep these communities united and active. 

  • Contact peers and customers for help or as a sounding board for ideas.
  • Discuss your situation with other members who are in the same business as you. By sharing information, you may be able to find solutions faster.
  • Never hesitate to help others! What goes around comes around. 
  • Express your views and suggestions. Every voice matters. 
  • Be upfront in asking for any monetary support; these are your fans and your allies.

Reach out to your customers.

Now, as you know, customers are the main reason that you have a business. Offer more support and staying connected with your customers during seasonal bursts will benefit your brand, business, and customers.

  • Let them know how much you appreciate their support and the value it brings to your organization. 
  • Ask questions, ask for feedback, and take notes. Share those notes with the relevant internal teams, so everyone receives this invaluable feedback.
  • Once you have collected the data and strategized internally, let your customers know your plan of action. 
  • Tell them what changes you have made so far regarding COVID-19. Tell them what business continuity plans you have in place to ensure smooth service. Not sure where to start? Email us for a free business continuity checklist!
  • Keep your website up to date with relevant information. It is common for customers to look to the web for easy self-service and education. 

Call Experts is a trusted partner with the experience needed to support your seasonal business or seasonal rushes. Our services, solutions, and protocols are time-tested and offer immediate, affordable options. Inspire real communication that helps streamline your customer journey and experience. 


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